The Best App for Meditation: Insight Timer
After many hours of trying all the new meditation apps, we’re convinced that Insight Timer is by far the best. It has the world's largest free library of more than 130k guided meditations, 14k teachers & the world's most loved meditation Timer. Search by function (sleep, abundance, anxiety, relationships, etc.), teacher (Ram Dass, Sadghuru, Tara Brach and more), time, talks or guided meditations to find what’s right for you in each moment. The app is designed to track your personal progress, emotional state, and helps create consistency in your practice. Connect to designated meditation groups as you wish to find support from their robust community. Start with 10-15 minutes a day and see how you much of a difference you feel after the first 30 days.
The Best App for focus and sleep: uses neuroscience to develop functional music directly optimized for its effects on our behavior. They have created a proprietary technology whose goal is to help you achieve desired mental states such as focus or sleep in under 10 minutes. has always been a science-first company. By working with experts in the field–neuroscientists and psychologists–they have a unique ability to develop ideas, run experiments, and continually improve their music for optimzal results. Everything is tested rigorously to substantiate their claims and you will truly feel a difference in very little time.
The Best App for Personal Growth and Inspiration: Find Center
Find Center is the most comprehensive resource for personal and spiritual growth. Think of it as a cross between Instagram, Pinterest, insight timer and Medium. No matter where you are or what you are dealing with in your life, you will find a wealth of useful and inspirational content from the top teachers, authors and practitioners in the world. It doesn’t matter where you start, you will find content tailored to your specific goals and it will continue to find more content to appeal to your specific goals.
The Best App for Exploring Nature: All Trails
No matter where we travel, one of the first things we like to do is log into All Trails to discover the best hiking trails in the area. With the most extensive database of hiking trails, you can search over 200k trails with real-time trail info, maps, detailed reviews, and photos curated by millions of hikers, campers, and nature lovers. Filter by distance, time, difficulty and more to find the perfect trail for you – whether it’s a short walk or a multi-day adventure. Getting out and moving in nature is proven to be one of the quickest ways to rebalance your body and spirit.