Super-Charging Your Water with Magnesium Bicarbonate
I Ilana Friedman

Super-Charging Your Water with Magnesium Bicarbonate

May 12, 2020
Thousands of years ago, magnesium bicarbonate was plentiful in our natural water. Today that is not the case. As our water system has been polluted, our main source of water is water recycling facilities, and most of that water us recycled from the sewer system. The food we consume has also been depleted of magnesium, and the consequences today are shocking. According to the World Health Organization, about 75% of the U.S adult population doesn't meet the RDA standards. which are shockingly low at a mere 420mg. Magnesium is absorbed in the bloodstream via the small intestine. About 60% of it in the human body is incorporated within the bones, a little over 25% is contained within the muscles, and what's left is found in soft tissue and body fluids; only 1% is found in the blood, which makes it very difficult to test for a magnesium deficiency. What makes it difficult is measuring the intracellular magnesium. You can't measure magnesium with conventional tests.

The importance of Magnesium

1. Magnesium assists in the activation of Vitamin D, which influences the growth and maintenance of bones through the regulation of calcium and phosphate. Magnesium is required in all of the enzymes that metabolize Vitamin D. This powerful mineral acts as a helper molecule that assists in the biochemical transformation of Vitamin D3 into its active form which takes place in the liver and kidneys. Deficiencies in Vitamin D are a current epidemic. Add to that the lack of sunshine that activates your skin to form Vitamin D, and a major deficiency in magnesium, and you have two of the main contributors to this epidemic. 2. Magnesium is your CEO electrolyte: It's no surprise that we run on electricity. We just need our electrical components to run smoothly and for that you need your minerals because they are the conductors of that electricity, hence the name electrolytes: calcium, sodium, potassium, and, of course, magnesium. In your 100 trillion cells there is a mechanism known as the sodium/potassium (Na/K) pump that is central to your health. Magnesium is required for your trillions of cells to properly keep these pumps, channels and other minerals in balance. 3. Having issues with cholesterol? Magnesium regulates the enzyme that makes cholesterol. The body makes cholesterol for a reason. All steroid hormones that run our bodies (stress hormones, sex hormones, and even the hormone Vitamin D) are ultimately made from cholesterol. High levels of bad cholesterol might indicated that you are deficient in magnesium. And if you are having a hormonal imbalance, you might also want to look into magnesium. 4. Magnesium combats osteoporosis: Magnesium deficiency alters calcium metabolism and the hormones that regulate calcium, resulting in osteoporosis. Intake of recommended levels of magnesium is important because it can stave off osteoporosis 5. Magnesium regulates digestive enzymes. Magnesium is crucial to the thousands of enzyme-driven biochemical reactions occurring in the body on a near constant basis. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are macronutrients we eat. Each of them requires a different set of enzymes to ensure proper metabolism and use in our bodies. It turns out that magnesium is key to the production of all these classes of enzymes. Is your digestion off? Check your magnesium levels. 6. Magnesium and energy You've probably heard of the Kreb's Cycle, To understand it in a nutshell...if that's even possible, you need to know that 28 molecules of magnesium are required for every molecule of glucose that gets metabolized. In fact, every chemical reaction in the body that requires energy (most do, by the way) requires the presence of magnesium and energy-storing adenosine triphosphate (ATP). 7. The anti-stress mineral: Magnesium plays a key role in regulating the body’s stress-response system. High stress levels increase the amount of magnesium we need. In turn, a deficiency in magnesium can enhance stress levels. How does this work? Magnesium increases GABA, which plays a big role in the brain when you are feel relaxed. The same goes for sleep. Learn more about optimizing your water: 7 Ways to Up Your Water Game To Help Detoxify Your Body


Magnesium bicarbonate, an electrolyte elixir

In this recipe I will show you how you can make a low-cost electrolyte concentrate. The ingredients work as followed: Sodium Bicarbonate works as a vehicle to get magnesium into the mitochondria. Potassium carbonate works with sodium bicarbonate to regulate the body's water balance; potassium works inside the cells; sodium works outside the cells. Nerve and muscle functions suffer when sodium and potassium levels are off. Potassium also sends oxygen to the brain and to the mitochondria to make ATP's. Magnesium helps potassium and calcium travel across cell membranes. Low magnesium causes low potassium. Calcium and magnesium work together. They bind at the same sites in the body. The higher the level of magnesium, the greater the need for calcium. Low levels of magnesium cause calcium build up.

Why is taking magnesium better in water form than a capsule?

There are several forms of magnesium available on the market as capsules and pills;  magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, magnesium chloride and so on.  When looking at absorption, we need to look at how much elemental magnesium is in each form, and how well its ions dissolve into water (dissociates). For example magnesium oxide has the highest elemental Magnesium--60%, does not dissociate, or ionize and is therefore poorly bioavailable in gut absorption. Magnesium oxide is the cheapest and most used in supplements. That's the reason why our source of magnesium centuries ago was from water, it wasn't through pills or supplements, or even food. That's also the reason why magnesium bicarbonate only exists in...water. Water is a great conductor of electricity, and because we are just giant batteries that need electricity, we need our water to have the very thing that makes it conductive, and that is (salts) minerals. They ionize the water to allow it to conduct electricity. To charge you. If you work in a lab, you know that distilled or demineralized water is free of those salts (minerals) and thus a poor conductor of electricity.

Magnesium Bicarbonate Recipe:


• 1 pinch of potassium bicarbonate

• 1 pinch of calcium carbonate

• 1/2 tsp magnesium hydroxide

• 1pinch aluminum-free sodium bicarbonate

• 1 liter of cold reverse osmosis water


Soda maker

• CO2 Cartridges (I found them in bulk here)

• 2 32 oz Mason Jars


*It is important that the water is very cold. Keep the water in the refrigerator at least 12 hours prior to starting this recipe.

1. Infuse water with CO2 from the soda maker. Transfer the carbonated water to the mason jars in equal parts. Seal them right away.

2. Open one jar at a time and add potassium, close lids tightly right away to not let the carbonation out. Shake jars on top of the sink.

3. Open them again, one at a time and add the calcium, close the lids and shake, repeat the process with the rest of the ingredients.

4. Keep them sealed in the fridge for 24 hours or until water becomes clear. Transfer the clear water into clean glass containers leaving the sediment behind.

5. Keep it refrigerated and add 2 tbsp. on to your water or drinks. Don’t drink in one sitting, drink throughout the day. Up your dosage, every week as you feel fit. I have been doing this for 3 years now and my dosage is 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup to one liter of water. I drink throughout the day.

*Do not drink it straight; it will upset your stomach.


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