Recipe: Strawberry Matcha Latte ⁠
I Ilana Friedman

Recipe: Strawberry Matcha Latte ⁠

Apr 6, 2022

⁠This mood-boosting matcha latte features local, organically-grown strawberries for a refreshing twist! 

1 TUSOL Balance Smoothie Mix
2 oz hot water⁠
1 tsp agave or raw honey ⁠
6 oz unsweetened oat milk ⁠

2-3 medium strawberries ⁠
2 oz heavy cream ⁠
1 oz oat milk ⁠
¼ tsp vanilla extract ⁠

In a small mug whisk TUSOL balance smoothie mix in hot water. ⁠
Fill a glass with ice, oat milk, and pour your balance mix. ⁠
In a small blender, blend strawberries, heavy cream, oat milk and vanilla extract. ⁠
Pour your strawberry puree over your matcha latte and enjoy!⁠

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